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How to Start Blogging on Social Media in India (and Make Money)

Social media has drastically changed the way we communicate and share information. It has also given rise to a new form of communication known as “blogging”. 

Blogs are personal websites or online journals that allow people to share their thoughts, experiences, and views on various topics with the world.

And if you thought you only need a website to be a blogger, think again.

There are many reasons why people blog in India; some do it for fun while others use it as a platform to voice their opinions on social issues, the latest news, or anything else they feel strongly about. 

Whatever the reason may be, blogging has become extremely popular in India over the past few years. 

In fact, there are now hundreds of thousands of Indian bloggers who write on diverse topics ranging from politics and current affairs to lifestyle and fashion tips!

Why now?

The popularity of blogs can be attributed to several factors such as easy accessibility (anyone with an internet connection can start a blog), low cost (it is absolutely free to create a blog), and anonymity (bloggers can remain anonymous if they wish). 

Additionally, social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have made it easier for people to find and follow blogs that interest them. 

As more Indians get connected online via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, we can only expect this trend to grow even further in the coming years!

And that is, in this article, we will dive deep into understanding how you can start a blog on social media and make money in India.

Do I need a website to start blogging in India?

There are a lot of questions that come to mind when you are thinking of starting a blog. 

  • Do I need a website? 
  • What hosting should I use? 
  • What software should I use to create my blog? 
  • And, where should I start blogging if I’m based in India? 

In order to start a blog in India, some people may think that you need to have your own website. 

This, however, is not always the case. 

There are many platforms out there that allow you to start blogging for free. 

WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr are all examples of free platforms that allow you to get your thoughts and ideas out there. 

But there is one we all take for granted: social media!

What is social media?

Yes, we’ve even forgotten the real meaning of social media.

See, social media is a broad term that encompasses many different online platforms and applications.

It can be used for personal or professional purposes and allows users to communicate and share information with each other.

At the same time, social media can be a powerful tool for networking, marketing, and promoting your business or brand.

And it can also be a great way to stay connected with friends and family and to get news and information from around the world.

I guess we’ve just focused so much on the ‘staying connected’ part and forgot about the ‘sharing information’ part.

And maybe to bring this whole thing together, let us understand what blogging actually is:

As we mentioned earlier, blogging is about “sharing information with friends and family, or as a way to build a presence on the internet and attract readers.”

How do I start blogging on social media in India?

There are a few things you need before you start blogging on social media in India:

1). Choose a social media platform

If you are looking to start a social media blog in India, it’s important to choose the right platform. 

Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to pick the one that will work best for you. 

For example, if you are looking for a platform that is good for promoting your brand, then Twitter might be the best choice. If you’re looking for a platform that is good for sharing longer pieces of content, then LinkedIn might be the best choice. 

  • Facebook: The best content to post on Facebook are images, videos, and articles that tell a story.
  • Twitter: Twitter is all about the latest news and updates, so the best type of content to share on this platform are links to articles or blog posts. Videos and images can also be effective tweets if they are accompanied by a catchy headline or description.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional networking site, so the best types of content to share are those that will help build your personal brand or promote your business. This could include blog posts, infographics, presentations, white papers, etc.
  • Pinterest: Pinterest is a visual platform, so the best types of content to share are images and infographics. Videos can also be effective if they are short (less than 1 minute) and visually appealing.
  • TikTok: The best type of content to share on TikTok are short videos (less than 1 minute) that are creative, funny, or informative.

In short, before you start blogging on social media in India, make sure to do some research on the different platforms and decide which one will work best for you and your goals.

2). Choose a topic to blog about

Now that you’ve decided on the right platform, the next thing to think about is a topic. 

That may sound really daunting but is simple. Just answer the following questions and you should be ready to go:

  • What are you passionate about? 
  • What do you know a lot about? 
  • What do you want to share with the world? 

Picking the right topic is key to having a successful social media blog in India.

Once you’ve picked a topic, make sure you understand the platform’s rules and guidelines.

The last thing you want is getting kicked out of the platform because you went against community rules.

To avoid this, read and understand what content can and can’t be shared on your chosen platform.

3). Establish your voice and tone

On social media, everyone is trying to say something. Ask yourself, who is your audience going to listen to?

Truth is, everyone is competing for the attention of your target audience. And that is why it is important to establish your voice and tone

Voice and tone are important aspects of blogging in India that help to create a unique identity for a blog and its author. Voice is the personal style of writing that reflects the individual’s personality and point of view. 

Tone, on the other hand, is the overall feeling or attitude of a social media post, blog post, or website. It can be friendly, welcoming, and engaging, or it can be harsh, critical, and uninviting.

Your voice should be consistent with the overall tone of your company. 

Are you fun and playful, or more serious? 

Whatever it is, make sure your blog reflects that. You also want to be sure that your tone is appropriate for the medium you’re using. For example, a tweet should be punchy and brief, while a Facebook post can be more in-depth.

Once you have established your voice and tone, it’s important to stick with them. This will help create a unified brand message that followers can count on.

A point of warning though:

Not everyone will like your voice and tone.

4). Know who you are talking to

No matter what social media platform you are using, it is crucial to understand your audience. 

  • What are their interests? 
  • What do they want to know? 
  • What can you share that will be of interest to them?

When you start blogging on social media in India, take the time to learn about your audience. 

Find out what they are interested in and what content they are likely to want to see from you. 

Then create content that meets their needs and interests. That way, you will be able to build a following of engaged followers who will appreciate your posts.

How to understand your social media audience

There are a few different ways to go about understanding your social media audience. 

One way is to simply take a look at the demographics of each platform. 

For example, Facebook tends to be used by an older crowd while Snapchat and Instagram have younger users. Knowing this information can help you tailor your content accordingly.

Another way to understand your social media audience is through analytics tools like Google Analytics or Socialinsider. These platforms give insights into things like who follows you, where they come from, and what kinds of posts they engage with most often. 

This data can be extremely helpful in crafting future content that resonates with your followers.

Finally, don’t forget to simply ask your followers what they want to see from you! 

Whether it is through a poll or survey, giving your audience a chance to speak up is always a good idea. 

After all, they are the ones who will be consuming your content – so make sure it’s something they actually want to see.

5). Write quality content

Quality content is key on social media in India. 

As such, when you start blogging, make sure your posts are high-quality, informative, and interesting to read. 

Share stories and insights that your followers will appreciate, and avoid simply promoting your products or services. 

Posting quality content will help you build a strong following and create lasting relationships with your customers.

Quality content is easy to create when you know who you are talking to, so be sure to spend quite an amount of time in step 4 of how to start blogging on social media in India.

6). Use images and videos to spice up your content

Attention and engagement are the currency of social media.

If you are looking for ways to spice up your content, consider using images and videos. They can help you capture your audience’s attention and keep them engaged.

Images can help illustrate your points and make your blog post more visually appealing. They also provide a break from all the text, which can help keep your readers engaged. 

And when it comes to choosing images, make sure they are high-quality and relevant to your post.

On the other hand, videos can also be a great way to add some visual interest to your content. 

You can create short videos yourself or find videos that are relevant to your topic. Be sure to embed the video into your post so that it’s easy for readers to watch.

Lucky for you, videos and images seem to be working on all social media platforms. Maybe you will just have to look at the sizes and length.

7). Monetize

So you’ve started a social media blog in India – congratulations! But what now? How do you turn your blog into a money-making machine? 

Here are some tips to help you monetize your social media blog:

a). Use affiliate links

If you write about products or services that you use and love, include affiliate links in your social media posts. When readers click on those links and make a purchase, you will earn a commission.

b). Sell advertising space

If you have a lot of engagement, consider selling advertising space on your social media blog. This can be a great way to bring in extra income.

c). Offer paid subscriptions

If you have valuable content that people would be willing to pay for, consider offering paid subscriptions to your social media blog subscribers. This can be a great way to generate recurring income.

For example, you can start a paid Facebook group for your followers.

d). Launch an e-course.

If you have expertise in a particular area, consider creating an e-course and selling it on your blog. This can be a great way to monetize your social media blog in India and provide valuable content to your readers.

e). Offer consulting services

If you are an expert in your field, offer consulting services through your social media accounts. 

You can use your accounts as a platform to promote your business or sell products/services that you offer.

f). Sell e-books

If you have valuable information to share, consider writing and selling e-books on your social platforms. This can be a great way to make money blogging on social media in India and provide valuable content to your readers.

Final Thoughts

Starting a blog on social media in India can be a great way to build an audience, share your thoughts and ideas with the world, and make money online in India. 

By following the tips in this article, you can set yourself up for success and enjoy the benefits of blogging. 

Thanks for reading!


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