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4 Tips for Choosing Safe and Fast WordPress Plugins in India

Are you looking for the best wordpress plugins in India? You are in the right place.

How many times have you found yourself frustrated after downloading a plugin that doesn’t work? 

This WordPress blog post will teach you how to select the right plugins for your site in India so that you can avoid this frustration. 

Once your site is running smoothly, it is time to think about SEO and traffic! Keep reading to learn more about these important topics.

What is a WordPress plugin?

A WordPress plugin is a small piece of software that can be used or added to your website. 

They increase the functionality and features you have available on your site, without having to upgrade it yourself! 

There are many different types of plugins: 

  • Some add social media buttons that allow visitors to share content with others quickly and easily; 
  • Other plugins help users subscribe for updates from the blog they follow, so those individuals always know when new posts are published.

What makes a good WordPress plugin?

When you’re looking for a WordPress plugin in India, there’s only one thing you need to remember: safety first! 

You should make sure you look at reviews before downloading anything onto your server as this will prevent any problems from occurring later down the line. 

Make sure the plugin will work with your current version of WordPress in India. 

You should also check that the plugin is compatible with any other plugins you already have installed – there’s no point downloading something new if it won’t work!

How to make sure you are picking the best wordpress plugin in India

What to consider when choosing WordPress plugins in India

1). Your needs –  what do you want the plugin to achieve?

The first thing you need to consider when choosing a WordPress plugin is what it’s actually for. 

If you know exactly what problem or issues your site has, then this will make things much easier; otherwise, you might find yourself downloading lots of plugins with different features that don’t work together. 

Make sure the plugin fits with any current themes and templates on your website too! 

A lot of times there are free alternatives that can be used in place of buying an expensive premium option. 

You’ll end up saving money if you look around properly before making decisions too!

2). Security –  will it help keep my website safe?

Security is the most important factor when choosing WordPress plugins in India. 

No matter what you need to get done, if your site isn’t secure then everything else becomes pointless! 

If anyone can hack into your server and make changes or delete entire pages without any restrictions, there is no point in having content on your blog at all. 

Make sure that enough care has been taken with security features so that other people cannot access sensitive information which could damage both yourself and others too! 

What are some other things to consider for security? 

You should always check where the plugin author got their code from; this will let you know whether they were open about issues found while testing it out (if not, avoid downloading). 

Check that the plugin uses strong passwords and that all-important data is encrypted too.

Additionally, you should check whether there are any known compatibility issues with other plugins which have been downloaded onto your website already. 

If possible, try testing out the plugin on a test site first to see if it works well before installing it onto your live one.

You can always uninstall later but this step will save lots of time in debugging problems down the line.

Another thing to consider when choosing wordpress plugins in India is whether or not there’s support for the plugin you’re looking at. 

Will it work with your version of WordPress? 

What about other plugins on your site, will they conflict with each other? 

Is this something that can be fixed easily (if needed) or are you left waiting on an update that might never come out again due to a lack of interest in fixing things?

3). Free versus Premium

The next thing you need to consider when choosing wordpress plugins in India is whether or not it’s better for you to use a free plugin or purchase one. 

Free plugins are usually safe and tested out well but they don’t always offer the same level of features that premium options do (and may even be completely missing important things like backups). 

If you are on a tight budget, then these can work great; however, if your site is high-traffic or needs specific functions doing, make sure there’s an upgrade option available that will suit all your needs!

4). What about updates?

You will also want to check what kind of support comes with each option too. 

Is this something offered by the author themselves (this could include both emailing them directly as well as having the option to make requests via a ticket service) or is it done through forums that can be disorganized? 

Make sure you know how often the plugin author updates their product before purchasing too – this will tell you whether they are committed to keeping things working well in the long term!

The importance of backups

One final thing worth checking out is if automatic backups are included. 

This allows everything on your site (including images, posts, and plugins themselves!) to be saved off onto another server so that anything bad happening doesn’t result in irreversible damage being done. 

If possible, look for options that also include full restores as these will come in handy down the line when debugging problems with individual pages!

WordPress Plugin Resources: Must-have WordPress plugins (Infographic) 

This infographic by Truehost shows a variety of common types of plugins and how they can be used for specific cases; 

must have wordpress plugins in India infographic

a).  Yoast SEO 

There’s no doubt about it, this is a must-have plugin if you want to optimize your site for search engines and keep up with the latest changes in how Google ranks sites!

b).  Jetpack 

This can be useful when trying out new plugins as well since there are lots of great options included; however, make sure that these aren’t slowing your site down and that they’re only installed if you actually need them!

c).  Akismet 

The importance of spam protection can’t be stressed enough – this plugin will keep track of all comments on your website and remove any which might not belong. 

It’s a great way to ensure nothing bad gets posted so take advantage of it!

d).  Backup Buddy 

You can’t go wrong with having a backup of your site and this plugin makes that easy to do. 

Set up automated backups as often as you like (including via email) so there’s no need to worry about anything getting missed!

e).  WP Super Cache 

For those looking for speed, this is the best way to make sure everything runs quickly without bogging down your server or slowing load times drastically.

It works great on high-traffic sites too which means more people get to see what you have online in less time!

f).  iThemes Security Pro & Sucuri Security 

There are lots of options out there when it comes to security but these two plugins combine a lot of what you need into a single package. 

Make sure everything is safe before going live with your site and give yourself peace of mind!

g).  WPML 

If there’s more than one language being used on your website, this plugin does the job nicely by translating every page in real-time for visitors from all over the world. 

Give everyone an equal chance to find out about who you are and what you have online when choosing multilingual plugins!

h).  Google Analytics 

You can’t get through today without understanding how people use your website. 

This plugin helps provide that service while also making it easy to share data back and forth between both sets (get started quickly after installation!).

i). Contact 7 

Ensure that people can reach you easily with a plugin that does the job quickly and without too many problems. 

This is one of the most popular options out there since it’s great for customer inquiries or any other messages going back and forth!

j). Social Media Feather

A single click will help share your website on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & more. 

Make sure everyone knows about what you’re doing online by promoting yourself as much as possible from within your WordPress dashboard instead of logging into each individual account separately!

There you have it, some of the best wordpress plugins in India you can install on your blog.

Wrapping up

There are lots of different factors involved when choosing safe and fast WordPress plugins in India – some common sense while others don’t apply everywhere!

If possible, look around carefully before making decisions so that nothing important gets missed. 

You will save time down the line too if everything works well together without needing constant re-configuration just because one small feature isn’t available.

Start a blog now in India.


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