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11 Ways to Monetize Your Blog in India Without AdSense

Last updated on February 9th, 2024 at 09:36 am

Every blogger wants to make money from their work, but for bloggers in India, it can be particularly tricky. 

Google AdSense is one of the most popular ways to monetize a blog, but it comes with its own challenges (see below).

And that’s what you need to find other solutions. 

In this article, we will discuss 11 different ways that an Indian blogger can monetize their blog without using AdSense. 

These simple and easy-to-implement methods can help you earn money immediately. 

Related: 13 Real Websites To Earn Money in India

Why is everyone moving away from Google AdSense?

Here are some reasons why you may want to think twice before adding AdSense into your blog in India.

  • Low Returns: AdSense pays a very low rate for each click or impression, making it difficult to make a decent income. Depending on the website type and traffic, AdSense may not generate enough revenue to cover hosting and other costs.
  • Lack of Control: AdSense does not give you complete control over the ads that appear on your website. You cannot choose the type of ads, the placement of ads, or the advertisers.
  • Limitations: AdSense has strict rules and guidelines that you must follow in order to be eligible for the program. These guidelines can be restrictive and can limit your ability to optimize your website for higher earnings.
  • Ad Blocking: Many users have ad-blocking software installed on their browsers, which can reduce your ad impressions and earnings.
  • Competition: AdSense is a very competitive market, with many websites competing for the same ad space. This can make it difficult to stand out and generate enough impressions to make a good income.

So what options do you have?

1. Sell Your Own Products and Services Related to your blog’s niche.

Selling products and services is an excellent way to monetize your blog in India without AdSense. 

Whether it’s a physical product, digital goods, or a service offering, you can create something of value to offer your audience. 

With the help of e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, Flipkart, and Paytm Mall, you can easily shop online and start selling quickly without major overhead costs. 

You can also look into setting up an online store using WordPress and WooCommerce if you wish more control over design and feature customizations.

This method allows for greater profit margins since you won’t have to pay commission fees associated with third-party websites as AdSense does.

2. Affiliate Marketing: You can join an affiliate network and promote products to your blog’s readers.

Affiliate marketing is another great way to monetize a blog in India without AdSense. 

These programs are run by companies or individuals that allow you to promote their products on your blog. 

And as an affiliate, you can earn commission when someone purchases the product through your link. 

Joining such a network makes it easier to find products and services to promote, as well as providing access to detailed statistics about how well your promotions are doing. 

Now, implementing it is easy as well.

When creating content for your blog, consider including affiliate links in relevant posts or reviews of the products. 

Just make sure the content is genuine and provides value to readers – they will be able to tell if you’re just trying to make money from them! 

Remember, readers come first – adding ads or sponsored content should never detract from the quality of your blog. 

3. Sponsored Posts: You can accept payments from companies to write about their products and services.

Sponsored posts are a great way to monetize your blog in India without AdSense. 

With this strategy, you essentially write about a company’s product or service in exchange for payment. 

This is an excellent opportunity to establish relationships with established companies and promote their brand on your blog. 

It also provides additional revenue based on the terms of the agreement you make with the company. 

To successfully secure sponsored post opportunities, have an engaging blog that attracts readers as well as companies looking to advertise their products and services. 

Highlight any specialties or expertise you have that could be relevant to potential clients, such as writing skills or niche knowledge related to certain industries. 

And when reaching out, provide detailed information about your blog and why it’s an ideal platform for their product or service.

Don’t forget to negotiate better rates per post. And if your clients get better results, you just won yourself a repeat customer!

4. Display Ads: You can use online ad networks like and Ezoic to show ads on your blog and make money.

I thought we are avoiding AdSense altogether.

Well, there are other ad networks you can get into that offer better rates than Google AdSense.

Such networks like, Mediavine, and Ezoic only accept sites with high-quality traffic.

But if accepted, they can be a great way to make money from your blog. 

See, depending on the number of impressions generated per day and the click-through rate for each ad, you can generate revenue every time someone visits your website and views an ad displayed on it. 

While AdSense pays really low, Mediavine, for example, offers better rates per mille!

On top of that, you have full control over choosing which ads will appear on your page as well as their size and placement. 

This is a great option for those who want to start earning passive income from blogging in India without relying solely on Adsense or other programs that may not be accessible to them in the country. 

5. Direct Advertisements: You can accept direct advertisement offers from companies.

Even better, why not consider direct clients instead of relying on ad networks to make money through ads?

Direct advertisement offers come from companies interested in featuring their products or services on your blog. 

Unlike the previous methods, you can enter into an agreement with the company that would allow them to place their ads on your site for a set period of time and cost. 

This can be beneficial as you can control the types of ads you want on your blog and charge companies accordingly based on how much exposure they will get. 

You can also negotiate ad space prices with the company and make sure that it fits within your budget while still providing value to the advertiser. 

And as long as you have built up an audience, direct advertisements effectively monetize your blog in India without using AdSense. 

6. Premium Content: You can create premium content on your blog and charge a fee for access.

This involves creating content that is only available to subscribers who pay a fee. 

It can be exclusive interviews, videos, articles or any other type of digital material you produce. 

Premium content helps to drive traffic to your blog while also giving readers access to information they wouldn’t otherwise have.

For example, an interview with an industry expert or behind-the-scenes footage from a high-profile event can often be worth the cost for avid readers. 

As long as you provide quality content and set reasonable prices, premium content can be a profitable venture for bloggers in India who want to make money without ads. 

And it allows you to control how much access viewers have and determine what types of products and services related to the material will be offered directly from your blog page. 

7. Online Courses:  You can create a course and charge monthly/registration fees.

Online courses provide an opportunity to create content that students can access over the internet.

As such, you can reach a wider audience than would otherwise be possible.

Better part?

Online courses also provide recurring income as you can charge monthly registration fees for access to the course material. 

By creating an online course related to the topic of your blog, you will be able to leverage your expertise on the subject.

And generate income through subscription fees from students who want access to exclusive knowledge and skills. 

Furthermore, once created, these courses become passive income streams that require minimal effort from your side. 

You can also tailor content based on user feedback or use existing content from other sources such as books or videos for added convenience. 

AND besides, there are many platforms available today which offer ready-made solutions for setting up and managing online courses. 

Think Udemy, Teachable, and Skillshare.

8. Webinars: You can host webinars and charge a fee for attendance.

Webinars have become a great way to monetize your blog in India.

Hosting webinars can help you provide your audience with an interactive experience, and you can charge a fee for attendance. 

This is especially advantageous if you run a blog that provides educational or professional advice, financial consulting, legal counsel, health and wellness advice, etc. 

Before hosting a webinar, consider the topics which will be discussed on the call and the price point of admission. 

Many tools available today make setting up and running webinars relatively easy. 

You must also market your webinar efficiently so that people know its existence and sign up to attend it. 

Consider using social media platforms like Facebook Live or Instagram TV to promote your upcoming event. 

9. Consulting: You can offer consulting services related to your blog’s niche.

Consulting is a great way to monetize your blog in India without using AdSense. 

Your services can be related to your blog’s niche and offer customers valuable, personalized advice. 

or example, if you have a blog about financial planning, you can offer consulting services such as budgeting advice or helping customers create an investment portfolio.

The benefit of this method is that it allows you to control how much money you make from the service. 

You set your own rates and decide how many clients you take on and what type of advice they receive. 

It also provides an opportunity to build relationships with clients and gain repeat customers who trust your expertise in the field. 

In addition, it helps establish yourself as an authority figure in the niche and may lead to additional business opportunities down the road. 

10. Freelance Writing: You can offer content writing services to companies.

Freelance writing is a great way to monetize your blog in India without AdSense. 

By offering freelance writing services, you can write content for a variety of businesses and organizations at an agreed upon rate. 

And even specialize in certain types of writing such as copywriting or technical writing. 

Here, you have the flexibility to work on different projects with different companies whenever it fits into your schedule.

The key to success with this job is having the right skills and experience to offer quality content that meets the needs of potential clients. 

It’s also important to establish yourself as an expert in your field so that potential customers can trust you for reliable work. 

Present yourself professionally with a polished portfolio if possible.

And have excellent communication skills so you can provide clear instructions and expectations from the beginning of each project. 

11. Donations: You can accept donations from your blog’s readers. 

Donations CAN be an additional source of income that can be used to improve the quality of your content further and reach more readers. 

It provides an opportunity for users to show their appreciation for your work, as well as demonstrate their commitment to supporting the development of your blog. 

In order to accept donations from your readers, you will need a payment gateway like Paytm, Google Pay or PayPal. 

Once set up, you can add a call-to-action button on strategic sections of your website and/or blog post encouraging visitors to donate whatever amount they deem fit. 

Consider using platforms like Patreon and BuyMeCoffee.

Final Thoughts

India is home to one of the most vibrant blogging communities in the world. 

With so many options available to monetize a blog, it is easy to get overwhelmed by all the choices. 

However, with a bit of research and dedication, it is possible to find creative ways to generate revenue from your blog without relying on AdSense. 

These 11 strategies are just some of how you can monetize your blog in India. 

From affiliate marketing and sponsored posts to creating digital products or offering services – there’s something for everyone. 

Remember that success won’t happen overnight, but with patience and hard work, you can build an income stream from your blog that will last for years.



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